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Newton eSchool

Learn to achieve your Ontario Secondary School Diploma from anywhere through our e-learning service. 

​Offering OSSD Courses, Computer & AI Courses,

After School Courses.

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About Us


Newton eSchool credit courses will definitely improve student's performance and final score to apply to their dream university.
We offer On-line/In-person/Remote Grade 9 to 12 credit courses, which are taught by sophisticated and experienced Ontario certified teachers OCT and Professional engin
eers PEO. All courses are designed under Ontario curriculum by Ministry of Education. Our teachers were experienced in teaching in various district school boards so they knew how to effectively motivate students to progress smoothly. Students will be honored with Ontario Secondary School Diploma after their successful completion of our courses, entering their dream universities and favorite programs.


Why US?

High Qualification Teachers (OCT) and Engineers (PEO) with Scholarships from

- University of Toronto
- Queen's University
- University of Waterloo

- York University

Flexible, Online Live or Asynchrous, Remote courses in stduent's own pace.

Quick Completion within a month from global students without being in Canada

Credit courses strictly following curriculum are fully certified by the Ministry of Education and all universities


Ontario Certified Courses

Math (MTH1W), English (ENG1D), Science (SNC1W), Accounting Business (BBI1O)

Math (MPM2D), English (ENG2D), Science (SNC2D), Accounting Business (BBI2O)

Math (MCR3U, MCF3M), English (ENG3U), Physics/Chemistry/Biology(SPH3U, SCH3U, SBI3U), Accounting Business (BAF3M, BDI3C), Computer (ICS3U)

Math (MCV4U, MHF4U, MDM4U, MAP4C), English (ENG4U, ENG4C), Physics/Chemistry/Biology (SPH4U, SCH4U, SBI4U), Accounting Business (BBB4M, BOH4M, BAT4M), Computer (ICS4U)

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